Thursday, March 10, 2011

Hip Hip Hooray!

Hello all, 

I have a cute Hello Kitty card to share.  I made it with my daughter.  The card is not for any challenges. My daughter picked out all the colors and paper.  I used my imagine to color fill Hello Kitty.  I really am enjoying my imagine now.  It sat in the box for four months.  I think my daughter (I mean me) did a great good.  The sentiment is from PTI.  I hope you like my daughter's card.  


Scrapper69 said...

It's adorable! I just bought my Imagine today! I'm still in shock over the great deal and the fact that I'm getting one... Maybe you could share some tips? :o)

girlia said...

Jovan your daughter's card is awesome. I must use my imagine more.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jovan, I absolutely LOVE your new blog. It is just perfect and so fun! Ahhh, it looks like you like coke just as much as I do. I love it! Super cute card. I didn't realize you had the Imagine! I can't wait to see what else you create with it!!!

Nicole said...

Tell your daughter that we love "her" card! LOL.. thinking about adding the imagine to my wish list! Should I?

Angi @ CokiePop said...

Awwww so sweet. I love Hello Kitty. :)

Anonymous said...

It's me again.... I am so excited to be your blog buddy!!! What a great idea. You know you are going to be my blog buddy, too! Wahoo!!! porn movies sex videos hd porno video