Sunday, October 30, 2011


Hello all, 
Here is another card for Simply Betty's 12 days of Halloween this card is for Twelfth day of Halloween, you are to put a bat on your project. 
I used a cut from "Happy Haunting" cart. That's it super simple!  This is my last card, I didn't make all 12 cards.  I had two more to go with only 10 takes ten minutes to do one post.  Oh well, next year!  Thanks for joining me today in my attempt at eight cards. 


lovemypaper said...

Cute card!

Stephanie said...

Super cute creepy Jovan. Love the pattern paper you picked and it really looks like that bat is flying off the card. Awesome Hugs!

Tami B. said...

Hi Jovan, I was just stopping by to thank you for dropping by for my blogaversary and I am so glad I did! These last few cards you posted are out of this world. Good grief you've been busy. I was going to try and pick my favorite but I couldn't. You did a fantastic job on them.

by Frank-LEE Speaking... said...

Very nice card. Love that paper. Smooches... Felicia

Staying Crafty said...

Love the great colors :)

Jayne said...

Jovan,so close!!!
Love the bat.
Jayne x

cricutalltime said...

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