Sunday, October 23, 2011

MAG Turns One

Hello all, 
Today MAG turns one...YAY!  I'm so happy to be apart of this.  The ladies that started MAG are just AWESOME!  I've loved this challenge since it started.  I'm so happy to be on their design team and celebrating with them today.  If you've come from Diva of 5 then your right on track if not, just start at MAG.  They have a great giveaway for this special hop.  
My card today is a birthday card I made with my daughter for my mother-in-law.  The cut is from Something to Celebrate cart.  My daughter picked out everything.  She even put the stickles on and bling.  It was really simple to make.
  I hope you enjoy the hop....Oh wait whats a hop with out some candy.   I'm giveaway a $10 PTI gift certificate‏.  All you have to do is leave a comment.  


kimberly said...

I am a follower :) thanks for sharing
leokc34 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

What a cute card. Love the bling. You can never make too many. Thanks for sharing!

I'm already a follower of your great web site.

guzjun 97 @ yahoo dot com

Cindy said...

Hi Jovan,BEAUTIFUL card my friend!I LOVE the embossing and the pretty ribbon,Just PERFECT!:)

Adrian said...

very cute! U r daughter did a great job!

Amy said...

How fun- I love the embossed background! :)Amy

Letillia said...

Really Nice card Jovan I Love It!

jessica said...

Adorable card Jovan!! I love the color and love the bling w/the stickles!! You guys did a great job!!
[email protected]

girlia said...

What a great team you and your daughter make. Great card. I am sure your MIL will love it.

katieo said...

Pretty purple card. I love how you craft with your daughter. You will treasure these memories. Both of mine are away at college and I miss them so much,

Peggy Sue said...

Love the embossing, so pretty!
[email protected]

GiGi said...

This is so pretty! I love the embossing and ribbon!

smyiow said...

Super cute! Sounds like you had fun making it!
[email protected]

Rhonda Emery said...

love your card so very pretty.

Annette said...

The bling and colors are perfect for this card! I'm a new follower too:)

Sunshine HoneyBee said...

The stickles & ribbon are a wonderful addition. I've been a follower for awhile. Thanks for giveaway chance.
"Sunshine HoneyBee"

moni1247 said...

I love the color choice of purple and that bow is perfect. cupofsoup@earthlinkdotnet.

Shelly said...

Very Cute Jovan, LOVE it! I think I'm hooked on purple right now! It may be because of that beautiful craft room of yours:) Great job!

shersl84bed said...

fun birthday card. Your daughter did a great job picking out the bling. I'm a new follower.

[email protected] said...

Hi Jovan....great card, love the embossing and great job on that bow! Also wanted to let you know that the witches legs is a file from Silhouette online store..thanks for leaving me a sweet comment (and cannot believe I was not following your blog, I knew I had visited before?) ~Gaby

Sherrie K. said...

This looks great Jovan. I love the purple, pretty flower bling and the bow is gorgwous! Great job!
Sherrie K

Melissa said...

Absolutely wonderful, you did such a cute card, thanks so much for being a part of the team!

joydee1963 said...

Very,very cute birthday card! I am a follower.joydee1963 at yahoo dot com

JustYolie said...

Fantastic purple Bday card! My fave color!

by Frank-LEE Speaking... said...

Very pretty card and colors. Smooches... Felicia(DT)

Lisa's Creative Niche said...

Love the bling on the cake and what a beautiful color purple! Thank you!
lisascreativeniche at

Happyscrapin said...

Very pretty card and I love the colors and the bow! I am a new follower.
[email protected]

Barb said...

It may be simple, but the ribbon really makes it more elegant. I'm already a follower. Thanks for the chance to win!

bborre at hotmail dot com

- said...

Awesome card!! Love the colors.

thecricutscrapper at yahoo dot com

Kate said...

Great card! Those candles look terrific!

Donna said...

So pretty & such a perfect bow! [email protected]

cricutalltime said...

really cute the flowers and the bottom of cake and nice bow.congrats on one year aniversary.thanks for the chance to win.

Gwen said...

Very nice card!

Maribel said...

Thank you so much for the encouragement! I love this cake! The colors are just so perfect!

Love That Bug said...

This is so cute. I think you have a little card maker on your hands, your daughter did a great job
Hugs, Stacy

Kelly Krocker Kreates said...

Your daughter did a great job! Love the extra bling.

Raina said...

Love the card! And it's just awesome to have a great helper!!


lovemypaper said...

Very cute card!

Karen H said...

Hi Jovan! I came by to tell you I'm so excited to be designing with you on Cindy's new team! :o) This card is wonderful and I love that it was a group effort with your daughter! Gorgeous colors and I love the ribbon and all the sparkle. Just beautiful. :o)

Hugs and blessings! :o)

marg0006 said...

Thanks for the chance at some cool candy and all the fun of a ho.

abusybee - DoubleClick Connections said...

Great birthday cake!

Thanks for joining us over at the BBTB2! DT Member Carri

~JulieH~ said...

Gorgeous card I lovethe cake in lilac. thanks so much for joining us at BBTB2
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