Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Turkeys 7, 8, 9

Hello all, 
Here are my last turkeys!  I had a few more but didn't feel like taking pictures...LOL  I really had fun cutting all these turkeys out on my cricut.  I'm thinking about doing it again in the future.  
First turkey is from "Designer Calendar" cart.  

Second turkey is from "Doodlecharm" cart. The sentiment is from Docerela Creations "Mix & Match 2" set.  
Third turkey is from " Paper Doll Dress Up" cart.  

Happy Thanksgiving to all my followers!  Have fun and be blessed!  


Georgiana said...

Great cards. Love all the ribbon you added.

Happy Thanksgiving,
Carson's Creations

girlia said...

Love the cards Jovan!

Happyscrapin said...

Great cards Jovan!! Happy Thanksgiving!!

scrappin sista said...

Love all your turkey cards!!! Happy Thanksgiving!!

Sherrie K. said...

Awesome Thanksgiving cards:) I love your designs and the ribbon is great!
Sherrie K

AJ Scrapbooking and Cards said...

Wow Jovan your cards are great. My fav one is the 2nd one. Love the colors and lace.

Anna said...

wow such cute turkey cards! i love the 2nd one a lot!
hope you visit my blog,

My 3 E Scrapbooking said...

They are all so cute!! Happy Thanksgiving!
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